BDC Tanzania is supported by Regent Center for Entrepreneurship (RCE) and their donors and supporters. We have a big vision for transforming nations by starting and growing a multiple businesses that will provide a lot of fulfilling jobs. We need help from those of like mind and vision. If you fall in one of the groups below, go to that page to see how you can help, then contact us to work out the details.
Entrepreneurs, business owners, and business executives
Students (undergraduate or graduate) in business or related fields
University graduates looking for a 3-year international entrepreneurship experience
The below are details on how all the above stakeholders can get involved to convert the BDC vision into reality.
Volunteer to spend a week at the BDC advising, mentoring, consulting and sharing your experience with students and the local business community. Volunteers will cover their own expenses, including travel, lodging and meals.
Volunteer to consult with and advise BDC graduates online as they start and grow their businesses. You could do this as follow up to an on-site visit or without visiting Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Do business with BDC graduates-help them export products or import supplies, joint venture with them, or invest in their businesses.
Regent Students who would like to get involved with development of the Tanzania BDC can get involved in several different capacities. A few of these include, but are not limited to:
Encourage BDC students online and help them with online research
Organize a short-term trip as part of a class or a project in your academic program
Do a semester-long internship with the BDC through your university
University graduates looking for a 3-year international entrepreneurship experience.
Those with MBA degrees and business experience would receive certificate training from Regent Center for Entrepreneurship (RCE) to prepare them to participate in the launch and growth of a BDC.
he current opportunity is BDC Tanzania. You would be a teacher/trainer and work with RCE to develop other revenue streams for the BDC to make it self-sustaining.
If you are interested or have any further questions, please contact us.
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